My Projects

Project 1

Synthetic Cyber Knowledge Graph

Angular, Python, Django, STIX 2.1

  • This project serves as a tool for cybersecurity professionals, facilitating the user input of critical data on cyber threats in the STIX 2.1 format.
  • The backend processes and categorizes the data into STIX 2.1 Domain Objects for synthetic data generation, forming a STIX bundle.
  • Users can then access an overview of the bundle on the frontend, with options to copy it to their clipboard or download it as a JSON file.
  • Future enhancements include more synthetic data generation and a broader display of the synthetic cyber knowledge graph.
Project 2

Mock E-Commerce Website

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, SQL, GraphQL

  • This project was to create a mock e-commerce site tailored to the preferences of young adults, offering a diverse array of clothing and accessory choices.
  • From desktop to mobile applications, users can explore, "purchase" items, and access a range of functionalities.
  • Users have the flexibility to create and manage accounts, browse and filter products, add items to carts or wishlists, and switch between light and dark themes.
  • For more information, visit the GitHub repository.
Project 2

Recipe Saver Website

HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, SQL

  • This project was a mock recipe-sharing website, offering users a platform to explore and upload their recipes.
  • Available on both desktop and mobile, users can create and manage accounts, explore and filter recipes, add recipes to their favorites, as well as post and view comments in real-time.
  • For more information, visit the GitHub repository.